リアルタイム情報に基づく平面交差点 信号制御システム最適化に関する研究

1. 交通工学研究会編;“改訂 平面交差の計画と設計 応用編”,丸善,1989. 2. 交通工学研究会編;“改訂 平面交差の計画と設計 基礎編”,丸善,2002. 3. 交通工学研究会編;“平面交差の計画と設計 基礎編 4. 越 正毅, 交通工学通論,技術書院,1989. 5. アメリカ交通輸送調査委員会編;“Highway Capacity Manual 2016”,Transportation Research Board publications,2016. 6. AUSTROADS(オーストラリアとニュージーランドの道路交通に関するトップエ7. CITE (カナダ交通工学委員会);” Canadian Capacity Guide for Signalized Intersections”, Third Edition, 2008. 8. Wunderlich R., Elhanany I., and Urbanik II T. (2007). “A Stable Longest Queue First Signal Scheduling Algorithm for an Isolated Intersection.” IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety. 9. Wang Gaochao, Hou Yandong, Zhang Yanyu, Zhou Yi, Lu Ning, and Cheng Nan. (2017). “TLB-VTL: 3-Level Buffer Based Virtual Traffic Light Scheme for Intelligent Collaborative Intersections.” IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Toronto, Canada. 10. Wu, J., Ghosal, D., Zhang, M., Chuah C.-N. (2018). “Delay-Based Traffic Signal Control for Throughput Optimality and Fairness at an Isolated Intersection.”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(2), 896-909. 11. Kumaran S.K., Mohapatra S., Dogra, D.P., Roy P.P., Kim B.-G. (2019). “Computer Vision-Guided Intelligent Traffic Signaling for Isolated Inter-Sections.” Expert Systems With Applications, 134, 267-278. 12. Webster, F.V. (1957). Traffic signal settings. Road Research Technical Paper No.39. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. London, England. 13. Akcelik, R.: Traffic signals: capacity and timing analysis. Australian Road Research Board. Research Report ARR No.123 (7th reprint: 1998) 14. Transportation Research Board. (2010). Highway Capacity Manual 2010. Transportation Research Board publications. 15. Wong, C.K., Wong, S.C. (2003). “Lane-Based Optimization of Signal Timings for Isolated Junctions.” Transportation Research Part B, 37, 63-84. 16. Wong, C.K., Wong, S.C., and Tong, C.O. (2006). “A Lane-Based Optimization Method for the Multi-period Analysis of Isolated Signal-Controlled Junctions.” Transportmetrica, 2:1, 53-85. 17. Zhu Feng, Ukkusuri Satish V. (2015). “A Linear Programming for Autonomous Intersection Control within a Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Connected Vehicle Environment.” Transportation Research Part C, 55, 363-378. 18. Younes M. Bani, Boukerche A. (2015). “Intelligent Traffic Light Controlling Algorithms Using Vehicular Networks.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(8), 5887-5899. 計画・設計・交通信号制御の手引”,丸善,2018. 9. 参考文献 31 ージェンシーの合同組織); “Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Transport Studies and Analysis Methods”,2020.

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